Web3 Glossary

- 7 Learning Styles
- 51% Attack
- Airdrop
- Antifragile
- Atomic Operation
- Atomic Swaps
- BaaS
- Benjamin Graham
- Bitcoin
- (b)itcoin
- Bitcoin Address
- bitcoind
- Block Propagation
- Blockchain
- Blocksize
- Bounty Hunter
- BS Detection Kit
- Byzantine Fault Tolerance
- Common Criteria
- Counterparty Risk
- Cypherpunks
- Decentralization
- DeFi
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- Distributed Ledger Technology
- Dollar Cost Averaging
- ERC-20
- Fair Information Principles
- Fork
- Fungibility
- Game Theory
- Genesis Block
- Halving
- Hash
- Hash Rate
- Heart's Law
- Inflation
- Investments
- Lightning Network
- M&A
- Mempool
- Mining
- Money
- Monopoly
- Nakamoto Consensus
- Open Finance
- Open Source Loop
- Proof of Stake
- Proof of Work
- Public Key Cryptography
- Regtech
- Satoshi Nakamoto
- Scam
- Science of Simple
- Secure Payment Protocol
- SegWit
- Selfish Mining
- Sharding
- Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)
- Smart Contract
- Solidity Terms
- Store of Value
- Tenth Man Principle
- Tradfi
- Tragedy of the Commons
- Trustworthy Computing Systems
- Truth Machine
- Turing Award
- Turing Complete
- Wallet
- Web3
Find more crypto/fintech resources here and other great glossary resources:
- @ Decryptionary definitions list
- @ Merk Glossary via Merk Investments
- @ Fintech terms you should know via Trulioo