Fintech in Hong Kong
Fintech landscape and initiatives General innovation climate What is the general state of fintech innovation in your jurisdiction? Hong Kong is home to more than 550 fintech companies and start-ups,…
compliance governance regulation
Fintech landscape and initiatives General innovation climate What is the general state of fintech innovation in your jurisdiction? Hong Kong is home to more than 550 fintech companies and start-ups,…
Fintech landscape and initiatives General innovation climate What is the general state of fintech innovation in your jurisdiction? Korea has a wide array of fintech businesses from payment services, peer-to-peer…
Fintech landscape and initiatives General innovation climate What is the general state of fintech innovation in your jurisdiction? Singapore provides a conducive fintech ecosystem with supporting regulations, customer demand, strong…
U.S. Developments U.S. Federal Regulatory Developments CFTC, FinCEN, and SEC Leaders Release a Join Statement on Digital Assets On October 11, 2019, the heads of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission…